Find min element in Sorted Rotated Array (Without Duplicates)

Problem: Find the minimum element in a sorted and rotated array if duplicates not allowed:
Example: {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2} output: 1

This problem can be easily solved in O(n) time complexity buy traversing the
whole array and check for minimum element.
Here we are using a different solution which takes O(Log n)
Let us look at this approach, we are using a modified version of Binary Search Tree algorithm.

Thanks Dheeraj for  sharing Question and Code  for this .


 using namespace std;

int BST(int A[],int low,int high){
  int mid=low+(high-low)/2;
  if ( mid == high ) return A[mid];  //if size of sub array is 1
  if(mid < high && mid > low && A[mid] < A[mid + 1] && A[mid -1] > A[mid] ) 
  return A[mid];  
//compare value of mid + 1,mid, mid-1 if they exist 

 if(A[mid] > A[high]) {
 if(A[mid + 1] < A[mid]) return A[mid + 1];
 else return BST(A, mid + 1, high); //check in right sub array
 if(A[mid] < A[mid - 1]) return A[mid];
 else return BST(A , low , mid - 1); //check in left sub array

int main()
 int A[]={3,4,5,6,7,1,2};
 int n= sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]);