When working with data, we need ways to store it in variables so we can manipulate it.
three of the most common data types used in programming: numbers, strings and booleans. We assigned those data types to variables one-by-one, like so:
With working code below find examples and learn Python easily..
x = 3 # numbers
a = "gorillas" # strings
t = True # booleans
PS : To show OutPut we have used >> sign
height = 5 * 9
print width*height;
>> 900
>> 900
But what if we need something more complicated, like a shopping list? Assigning a variable for every item in the list would makes things very complicated:
item_1 = "milk"
item_2 = "cheese"
item_3 = "bread"
print 'doesn\'t' # use \' to escape the single quote...
print "doesn't" # ...or use double quotes instead
>> doesn't
s = 'First line.\nSecond line.'
# \n means newline
print s
>> First line.
print r'C:\some\name' # note the r before the quote
Strings can be concatenated (glued together) with the + operator, and repeated with *:
print 3 * 'un' + 'ium'
>> unununium
If you want to concatenate variables or a variable and a literal, use +:
prefix = 'Dhaval'
prefix = prefix + 'Devil'
print prefix
>> DhavalDevil
See Working code at http://ideone.com/cF38M7
three of the most common data types used in programming: numbers, strings and booleans. We assigned those data types to variables one-by-one, like so:
With working code below find examples and learn Python easily..
x = 3 # numbers
a = "gorillas" # strings
t = True # booleans
PS : To show OutPut we have used >> sign
width = 20height = 5 * 9
print width*height;
>> 900
>> 900
But what if we need something more complicated, like a shopping list? Assigning a variable for every item in the list would makes things very complicated:
They can be enclosed in single quotes ('...') or double quotes ("...") with the same result
item_1 = "milk"
item_2 = "cheese"
item_3 = "bread"
print 'doesn\'t' # use \' to escape the single quote...
print "doesn't" # ...or use double quotes instead
>> doesn't
s = 'First line.\nSecond line.'
# \n means newline
print s
>> First line.
Second line.
If you don’t want characters prefaced by \ to be interpreted as special characters, you can use raw strings by adding an r before the first quote:print r'C:\some\name' # note the r before the quote
Strings can be concatenated (glued together) with the + operator, and repeated with *:
print 3 * 'un' + 'ium'
>> unununium
If you want to concatenate variables or a variable and a literal, use +:
prefix = 'Dhaval'
prefix = prefix + 'Devil'
print prefix
>> DhavalDevil
See Working code at http://ideone.com/cF38M7